
Welcome to Licentia Loquendi, founded January 2009. L2 is a team blog that focuses primarily on political, military and Constitutional issues with a Conservative Christian slant. We are two college students, a Navy corpsman, an Army sniper and a Vietnam era Army veteran.

Each writer has free reign over postings. One writer's views are not necessarily the views of all writers.

19 April 2009

I knew there was a reason why PSU was my very last resort.

I saw this video on melvin_udall @ livejournal.

Many thanks to former Penn State student (and former ADF Center for Academic Freedom client) A. J. Fluehr, who alerted me to a Penn State University video — part of its "worrisome student behaviors" educational series. It has to be seen to be believed, but is a virtual carnival fun house of leftist academic stereotypes. The well-meaning and completely unbiased anti-war professor? Check. The smiling, wise administrator who cares for his students and is committed to protecting the safety of his teachers? Check. And, of course, we have the scowling, angry veteran with the vaguely threatening demeanor who needs to "get help."

This is a disturbing account of profiling which is being disseminated among Penn State's faculty (and no doubt, its students). Although only once have a veteran and I shared a class, the young man was courteous and respectful. Despite the blatant anti-war opinions that were shared over the course of the class (which was a political science course), he always remained tolerant and accepting of other views.

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